The Automotive design engineer is the profession of life

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The automotive design engineer is the profession that mixes artistic disciplines with industrial design to achieve the aesthetic and structural design of a future automobile. If you have artistic skills and you are passionate about automobiles this may be your career.

The design of automobiles, also known as automotive design or automotive design, is the profession involved in the development of a car. It is usually referred to the design of passenger cars, but usually also refers to motorcycles, trucks, buses, and vans. This practice, nowadays, is carried out by a great team that gathers different disciplines. In this context, it refers above all to developing the appearance or the visual aesthetics of the vehicle, although it is also involved in the creation of the concept of the product. The design of automobiles is practiced by designers who usually have an orientation in art, but above all, a degree in industrial design or transport design.

What is Automotive Design?

 Automotive design engineer

It is a discipline derived from industrial design(In fact many courses require a degree in it as a precondition), which deals with the integral design of any type of automobile. When we speak of integral development we refer to that it is in charge of all the stages from the original idea to the design of the smallest detail, this includes: the exterior design, mainly aesthetic issue, starting with manual drawings, going through models in clay and culminating with a real model; the automotive design engineer design, where all the elements that will make the comfort of the passengers are projected; and graphic design, responsible for all the technical aspects of each small component of the car. The interesting thing about this race is that you should not only take into account aesthetic factors but structure design for operational and safety issues.

What tasks does an Automotive Designer do?

With the complexity of the automotive industry, the automotive design engineer tasks of a car have been divided in an impressive way, in such a way that numerous and multidisciplinary teams are formed to achieve the integral design. This is how each designer will be in charge of only a small part of the design. However, an Automotive Design professional will be able to perform any of the tasks that go from the original conception of the automobile, through the design of each sector (exterior, interior, etc), to the design of the particular components of the automobile.

What is studied in Automotive Design? Automotive design engineer

Some of the subjects with which you can find yourself when studying for Automotive Designer will be Industrial Design; Digital Graphics; Modeling; Art; Physical; Mechanics; Math; Computing; Technical drawing; Vehicle Fundamentals; etc. Being a profession that requires the knowledge of the integral functioning of a car, which is a really complex machinery, it will give you a profoundly wide range of knowledge.

What is the work output of an Automotive Designer?

In the first place, it is worth clarifying that, in general, those who study Automotive Design must previously study Industrial Design, which gives you the safeguard of working in another branch of the industry in case you do not succeed as an automotive designer. But in this particular field, you can work independently, selling your designs or carrying out the integral process for vehicles of little complexity. You can also work in companies dedicated to the construction of automobiles, in the areas of design; in design companies that sell their services; in the area of teaching, being a non-massive discipline, it is always in need of trainers; etc.

Advantages of studying Automotive Design

 Automotive design engineer

It allows you to develop your creativity.It is responsible for very different areas of design, which will allow you to vary your work and also become a specialist in a certain area.The automotive industry is always in development and seeks permanent innovation.Being a very specialized area you will not have too much competition at the time of the job search.

It is a branch of the industry with international standards, so you can apply the knowledge acquired anywhere in the world.If you can not insert yourself in the automotive industry, you can apply your knowledge of industrial design in other areas of the industry.

Disadvantages of studying Automotive Design

 Automotive design engineer

Not all countries have a developed automotive industry, so the number of job opportunities will depend on where you are.In general, you must study a career in Industrial Design, before specializing in Automotive Design.Like any non-traditional career, studies are often taught by tertiary institutes or professional training, so you should conduct a thorough and in-depth research to find a suitable place for study and not encounter unpleasant surprises.

Where to study Automotive Design?


In the Technological Institute of Motors, the Superior Technique in Industrial Design, oriented to the Automotive Design, with a duration of 3 years, does not require a previous degree. In the Technological Institute of Automotive Training, the Automotive Design Course of 1 and a half years is given, which also does not require previous knowledge. In the UTN Pacheco, a 3-month introductory course on automobile design is offered.

Spain :

The IED Barcelona offers a very interesting degree of Superior Degree in Product Design with a specialization in Transport Design, which lasts for 4 years. The Polytechnic University of Valencia offers a Master’s Degree in Styling and Concept in the Automobile. This Master lasts 7 months. Both studios have an important reputation nationally and internationally.


At the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla (UPAEP) Engineering in Automotive Design is studied. This race is very complete and lasts about 6 years. In the Rigoletti Institute, there is also a variety of Automotive Design courses, with different types of specialization and duration. At the Tecnológico de Monterrey you can study for an Engineer in Automotive Design, a career that lasts for 5 years.

In most countries, there are not a lot of specific courses or careers in automotive design engineer. The norm is to study Industrial Design to then take advanced courses in the country or abroad.

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