The Human Relationship in education ideas for nine country

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Every day more, the human relationship in education ideas becomes more important. It is to be expected, because education has, as its main purpose, to enhance the educational and pedagogical relationship, as the main catalyst and trigger of educational and human quality.

We show you nine of the best educational models in the world, which are characterized by providing a quality education, affordable, technological and social to each of its students.Education is perhaps one of the most important indicators in determining the level of development of a nation. Although it is true that the results of international evaluations such as the PISA tests, the TIMSS and the PIRLS and the examinations of each country help to establish the quality of an educational model, they are not the only elements that must be taken into account. Other aspects such as hours of study, investment in teacher training, affordability to higher education and innovative teaching methodologies, which foster the skills of the 21st century, are indispensable components.

South Korea

education ideas


The educational model of South Korea is characterized by being very strict and rigorous. Students study throughout the year, sometimes go seven times a week to school and spend more than 12 hours a day assimilating new theories and concepts, either at school or at home. This is partly due to the great pressure that is imposed by their parents and South Korean culture: success is not a matter of talent, but of hard work, which results in excellent results in international tests, especially in the modules of critical thinking and analysis.

 In addition, in this system classes are dictated by a large number of students. The education ideas are that teachers can teach their pupils to grow in community and learn to develop interpersonal relationships with their peers. That is the real challenge.


education ideas

The education ideas model of Finland is characterized by being demanding, but at the same time flexible. Students only spend about 5 hours at school and should not do chores at home. This is partly because the Finnish system proposes learning based on experience: multiple extracurricular activities are promoted, which are carried out in the same locality and which seek to promote talents depending on the interests of each student. In this scenario, the school becomes a communal center: many schools have game rooms, recreation spaces and places that encourage collaboration.


One of the reasons why Japan is considered one of the best educational models in the world is its high investment in technology. It has an organized system and a standardized academic curriculum that is applied in the same way in any institution. This has a single purpose: to ensure that all students receive the same education and decrease the knowledge gap when different methodologies are applied. On the other hand, in Japan students spend approximately 240 days a year in school, a significant time compared to other countries. In addition, most Japanese students receive complimentary personalized tutoring on non-business days.


In the Netherlands, the educational model “for the new era” created by Steve Jobs, which proposes autonomous learning, where the student establishes his own goals guided by the teacher, has been implemented. This system integrates technology as a fundamental part of its academic curriculum, so that students can, on the one hand, access multimedia, interactive and ludic content that enriches their individual process and, on the other, know digital tools that facilitate communication with their peers and teachers. Encouraging collaboration, student independence and the use of ICTs are the most outstanding features of the Dutch educational model.

 Canadaeducation ideas

In the North American country, students must attend school from 5 to approximately 18 years old. Parents have the possibility to choose a school that dictates their classes either in French or in English, thanks to which Canada is considered one of the leading countries in bilingual education.

 One of the key elements that must be highlighted is that Canada has one of the highest rates of university graduates in the world. This is partly because student immigration to the country is a simple process, higher education is affordable and the cost of living for students is low. In addition, Canadian universities focus on research, generating opportunities for graduates to develop environmental projects, agriculture, technology, among others, supported by public and private entities.


The success of Singapore’s education system lies with its teachers. In this, teachers are constantly educated, at the same time they have a salary: they receive training, workshops, courses in personal and professional development, among other options, that help them improve their daily work. This is because, in Singapore, teachers are considered people capable of building a better nation.

 In this way, teachers are very demanding with their students, who demonstrate their commitment to their learning process by showing outstanding results in international tests, where they have stood out for their skills in reading comprehension, mathematics, science, analytical thinking, among others.

United Kingdom

education ideas

The education ideas of the United Kingdom has always been on the list of outstanding models in the world, as it constantly seeks innovation and the adoption of new technologies. Recently, the British government announced a new curriculum that will be implemented in primary school, with the aim of raising educational standards for children and young people from 5 to 16 years old. It will focus on developing the basic skills in the first grades, it will be much less extensive and will be divided into five main modules: mathematics, English, computing, science and design, and technology.


education ideas

The education system in Russia is organized and coordinated by the State, which ensures that general education is free and available to everyone. Younger children usually attend preschools or specialized centers, which focus on intellectual development at an early age and motor skill through physical activities. In the elementary and high school, which is part of general education, the educational system focuses on the emotional and social formation of students, with the aim that they can adapt to life in society and be able to make assertive decisions. This educational component is perhaps one of the most outstanding characteristics of the Russian system.

 In addition, each school has its own academic curriculum, as long as they meet the requirements of the state. Because of this, there are some institutions that specialize in a certain area.


The Estonian education ideas stand out for giving students the opportunity to deepen the topics that are of interest to them in the last years of high school, whether in humanities, mathematics, science, business, information technology, among others. In addition, after this general period, students have the opportunity to attend vocational educational institutes, where they prepare to enter working life and where they are oriented to choose the appropriate university career, according to their abilities and strengths.

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