Four Ways Cloud Computing Can Improve Productivity

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As a business owner, you always need to use the most effective methods of computing to keep your business as efficient and profitable as possible. Cloud computing, in particular, can have tremendous benefits for your company’s earnings and operations, courtesy of jackpotjill.

As a small business owner, you’ll find many benefits to cloud computing. Among them, using the cloud can drive your business’s growth. Here are some other advantages, curated by best casino bonuses.

Team collaboration

Cloud-powered productivity sites and suites allow multiple colleagues to work on projects simultaneously, which in turn promotes collaboration within a team both in and out of a physical workplace. Some examples of such services are Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365.

Cloud computing also allows for quick and easy sharing of information between co-workers. This helps maintain consistency among employees as they work together on projects, even if they’re working from different locations or time zones. This ability is more important than ever in the age of working remotely.

Safety and Security

The reluctance of many companies to move over to the cloud lies in a misconception that keeping IT operations under tight control in-house is a safer solution than relying on cloud computing. However, while moving operations to the cloud do mean giving up some technological control, often a third-party firm can look after your data more securely than you could.

Solid cloud providers like Oracle have robust security protocols in place and can clearly outline their methodologies to ensure you have complete confidence in allowing them to manage your data. Our review of Oracle NetSuite demonstrates just one way the company’s cloud-based apps can aid your business.


The overarching goal of any business is to make a profit, and cutting operational costs wherever possible can make that goal more attainable. The most significant benefit of moving to the cloud is unsurprisingly a financial one. The financial model associated with the cloud is predictable and economical. There are no upfront costs, you can choose to pay flat-rate monthly fees per user and/or pay based on the amount of bandwidth used, and there is easy scalability in either direction. Furthermore, switching over from legacy servers to cloud servers eliminates the need for continual server environment refreshes, reduces demand for IT support staff and saves on energy use. This all translates to more money in your business purse.


Cloud computing is widely considered a sustainable option for companies. It not only cuts down your paper usage but also contributes to energy efficiency. Traditional data hardware systems require uninterrupted power supplies and cooling, which take up a great deal of electrical power. Using the cloud means you don’t have to factor in climate control costs for your technology hardware. Cloud-powered companies that allow their workforces to access their programs and data anywhere and at any time also have reduced commuter-related carbon emissions. Additionally, cloud providers also use less carbon-intense power mixes, which are more energy-efficient.

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