The manufacturers advance at a good pace towards the autonomous car, and one of the great objectives of the industry is to get as close as possible to the goal of zero traffic accidents. The vehicle without the driver will help eliminate human error, present in 90% of accidents,
reduce the accident rate and make life on board easier. For this to be a reality, a profound revolution is needed in key technologies that affect sensors, communication, storage in the cloud …
Autonomous Cars driving will bring many advantages.
Some of us are already experimenting with the assistance systems that equip more and more vehicles. Even the smallest and mid-range models already incorporate important safety systems, such as automatic emergency braking, until recently reserved for more premium models. A study by the Bosch technology provider predicts that the automatic emergency braking system could prevent 270 deaths per year in traffic accidents.
But so that in the not too distant future we can go behind the wheel of a car without driving, it is much more necessary to incorporate driving assistance systems. Vehicle manufacturers must work hand in hand with technology providers that guarantee the correct functioning of the sensors and radars that equip the vehicle and also the navigation, connectivity, and cybersecurity, in addition to which an extensive revision of the related laws would be necessary with circulation.
The autonomous car cybersecurity worries a lot
The vehicle must be manufactured to be hacker proof. Computer attacks are not unrelated to the automotive world and there have already been cases of people who have gained access to remote control of a vehicle equipped with connectivity systems. As indicated by a study prepared by the International Automobile Federation (FIA), the possible hacking of the connected car is among the concerns of 9 out of 10 Spaniards. And it is no wonder when an FBI report warned that autonomous cars could be used by criminals as lethal weapons and for cases of kidnapping.
Connectivity in cars is advancing at a giant pace and there are fewer and fewer models on the market that do not offer some of their options, such as Internet access, car-to-car connectivity, car, and infrastructure … The same FIA study It forecasts that by 2020 75% of the cars that roll on the roads around the world will be connected to the Internet.
Control the steering wheel, brakes, accelerator … remotely
One of the most notorious hacking cases was that of two American security experts, who accessed a Jeep Cherokee driven by a journalist from their computers and managed to manipulate the air conditioning, audio, windshield wipers … and even managed to stop the engine. To achieve this, they accessed the system through the internet and reprogrammed some components to take control. Undoubtedly, proof that connected cars need to be less vulnerable to cyber attacks.
The fully autonomous Cars is not expected before 2025 or 2030 and the manufacturers work with the challenge of solving any vulnerability to a cyber attack. In the case of Google, it has already announced that its cars will be disconnected from the Internet most of the time – they will only be there when they need it – to avoid piracy. In addition, standard security standards are requested from the sector to detect and record all attacks that occur, and thus seek a solution more quickly.
Tips to prevent a hacker from accessing your connected Autonomous Cars
Make sure that the car manufacturer you are interested in offers enough guarantees about the security of their connectivity systems in the face of a computer attack.
Choose a secure password to access any system or application. If a hacker accesses the passwords, it will be easy to know everything about you: your movements in the car, the hotels or restaurants you frequent, etc.
Do not download any app for the car. Check before that it comes from a security company and that it is not intended to access your phone or your data to control functions.
It is advisable to install security or antivirus solutions on all devices that are connected to the Autonomous Cars. Many times we do not give enough importance to the many downloads we make, to the passwords we choose, to the systems we access … but we must be clear that any system with Internet access is exposed to the risk of being hacked. And the car connectivity system is no exception.
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