Drain Lining: Why It’s Important For Your Pipes

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Drain Lining is a necessary procedure to keep your plumbing system in good working condition. The importance of properly lining your drains cannot be overstated. When a clog occurs, the pipes can be backed up or blocked and this can cause a lot of damage to the sewer lines as well as the drain pipes themselves. You do not want to damage your drainage system or your pipes by using the wrong type of drain lining material. Having the wrong materials in use can lead to clogs, breaks, and leaks and if this happens to your pipes you will be faced with the added problem of needing new pipes.

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The best type of drain lining is a resin-based liner. Resin based lining works to prevent sludge from building up inside your drains. It also protects the pipes from having to be flushed and it helps to keep water from freezing inside pipes. If you use regular drain lining materials you will find that over time they become weaker, thus making them more susceptible to leaks. These leaks, and the resulting damage can cost quite a bit of money to repair. A company such as Wilkinson Environmental can install these linings for you.

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There are many other reasons why you need to have your drains lined. The main reason for doing this is to prevent sewer gases from seeping into the atmosphere. Having drains that are clogged can result in the release of dangerous carcinogens into the air. This can have serious health implications. Therefore, it is very important to have your drains properly planned so that you can be confident that you and your family remain safe.


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