Keeping food fresh once it’s been purchased is something many individuals, couples and families strive to accomplish. With weekly and monthly shopping bills rising and the Cost-of-Living-Crisis well and truly taking a firm grip on the entire Country, many are struggling to make ends meet. Investing in a modern, Integrated American Fridge Freezer means you will have ample space inside this large capacity kitchen appliance to store all your essential food that needs to be chilled or frozen. With plenty of shelf space and usually incorporating an ice dispenser, these quality made and cleverly designed Integrated Appliances will save you both time and money. Batch cook some of your favourite recipes and freeze some ready for another day, keep salads, milk, fresh meat, yoghurt and other dairy products safely chilled so that they last longer.
Every item of food that needs to go in the fridge or freezer has an optimum spot that will keep it fresher for longer. The bottom shelves of the fridge are the coldest and this is where you should store all your dairy products, NOT in the door compartments! The upper shelves retain the most consistent temperature so you should always store your deli-meats, hummus and olives here.
The extra-large capacity freezer is the perfect place to store food for longer periods, saving you both time and money. Frozen food should always be allowed to defrost for at least twelve hours in the fridge before cooking, unless otherwise stated on the instructions.
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